Last updated
Last updated
Total Supply
100,000,000 ZKLAB
Tokens For Presale
30,000,000 ZKLAB
Tokens For Liquidity
15,675,000 ZKLAB
Soft Cap
The public sale will be held at Pinksale:
After the public sale ends, zkSync Labs will open deposits for the Genesis Nitro Pools.
Depositors will linearly earn emissions in ZKLABX during the 6 months following the public sale.
zkSync Labs will release around 15% of liquidity incentives emissions in ZKLAB and 55% in ZKLABX.
The ratio earned will differ by pool and the exact emissions rate will respond to demand but target the rate in the release schedule graph.
Both native and riskier pools will generally earn a higher percentage of ZKLAB vs ZKLABX.