Staking your assets
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Staking your assets can be a lucrative way to earn rewards on the Zksync Labs platform. The Earn tab on the platform is divided into four categories, each with a specific purpose.
Under "My positions", you can find and manage your staked positions. "Yield farms" shows which pairs are currently incentivized and also lets you manage paired positions. "Chemical Pools" allows you to deposit your staked positions into a compatible pool to earn additional rewards. And "Genesis Pools" represent the zkSync liquidity bootstrapped through Genesis pools, allowing participants to accrue six months of additional $ZKLAB emissions.
To create a staked position, you can either wrap LP or a single asset on the "My positions" or "Yield farms" tabs. By creating a staked position, you automatically earn LP swap fees and farm incentives, which can be boosted with locks and $ZKLAB yield booster.
Once you have created a staked position, you can deposit it into a compatible Chemical pool to earn additional rewards. This means your position would earn swap fees, farming emissions (which can be boosted), and Chemical rewards. It's important to note that only the existing APR% from farm incentives is increased by the boosts, and time lock and yield booster do not affect rewards from Chemical or Genesis pools.
For example, if you create a ZKLAB/USDT staked position, since the ZKLAB/USDT pair is incentivized, the newly created staked position will automatically earn the yield from farm incentives. You will earn rewards from the active yield farm, and your LP token will also automatically receive a share of the earned fees coming from each ZKLAB/USDT transaction.
If you couldn't locate an active farm for a particular pair, such as ETH/USDT, you can create a staked position for that pair. However, since the ETH/USDT pair is not incentivized, the newly created staked position won't earn yield from farming incentives. In this case, you can locate the corresponding ETH/USDT Chemical pool and deposit your position into it. You will then earn rewards from the Chemical pool, and your LP token will also automatically receive a share of the earned fees coming from each ETH/USDT transaction fee.
To maximize your farming rewards, you can use a yield booster to increase your staked position's existing APR% earned from farming incentives. You can also lock your staked position for an additional boost to the existing APR% earned from farming incentives. Finally, you can deposit your position into a Chemical pool, such as ETH/USDT, to earn boosted yield from farming incentives and rewards from the Chemical pool.